306-428-2989 torchtrailbiblecamp@gmail.com
When you pack your bag remember to include:
Bible, pen, and paper – if you don’t have your own Bible we are happy to supply one for you at registration
Sleeping bag and pillow
At least two changes of warm clothes and two changes of light clothes
Two pairs of footwear; we recommend sandals or shoes and rubber boots
Rain gear
Flashlight and batteries
Toiletries (shampoo, toothbrush, etc.)
Hat, sunscreen and bug spray
Towel and swimsuit (girls, please bring a one-piece or a long, dark shirt to wear with your two-piece)
Water bottle with your name on it
If you want to ride horses, please bring long pants
Please, leave these things at home:
Valuables – this includes expensive clothes, and electronics (like iPods, mobile phones, and video games)
Dangerous items – knives, firecrackers, and fireworks
Food – we want our wildlife to stay outside your cabin; don’t worry, snacks are available at our Tuck Shop daily
Drugs, alcohol and inappropriate literature
If any camper brings illegal drugs, tobacco products, or alcohol to camp, the camper will be sent home at their parent’s/guardian’s expense.